- S. Elad and A. Epstein, “Simultaneous polarization conversion and anomalous reflection with anisotropic printed-circuit-board metagratings,” Physical Review Applied, 22, p. 034069 (2024).
- A. Shaham and A. Epstein, “Generalized Huygens’ Condition as the Fulcrum of Planar Nonlocal Omnidirectional Transparency: From Meta-Atoms to Metasurfaces,” Advanced Optical Materials, 12, p. 2401127 (2024).
- M. A. Tumashov, Y. Yashno, S. A. Kuznetsov, P. A. Lazorskiy, A. Epstein, and S. B. Glybovski, “A semianalytically synthesized ultrathin photolithographic metagrating for sub-THz beam splitting,” Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications, 60, p. 101276 (2024).
- Y. Shklarsh and A. Epstein, “Semianalytically Designed Dual-Polarized Printed-Circuit-Board (PCB)-Compatible Metagratings,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 72, 2, pp. 1397-1406 (2024).
- S. Kuznetsov, M. Tumashov, V. K. Killamsetty, P. Lazorskiy, A. Epstein and S. Glybovski, “Efficient Anomalous Refraction of THz Beams With a Multilayer Metal–Polymer Huygens’ Metasurface,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 14, 1, pp. 109-121 (2024).
- Y. Yashno and A. Epstein, “Broad-Angle Multichannel Metagrating Diffusers,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 71, 3, pp. 2409 – 2420 (2023).
- Y. Kerzhner and A. Epstein, “Metagrating-Assisted High-Directivity Sparse Regular Antenna Arrays for Scanning Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 71, 1, pp. 650 – 659 (2023).
- S. W. Marcus, V. K. Killamsetty, Y. Yashno, and A. Epstein, “Multimodal antireflective coatings for perfecting anomalous reflection from arbitrary periodic structures,” Physical Review B, 106, 20, 205132 (2022).
- D. Ramaccia, F. Bilotti, A. Epstein, T. J. Cui, E. Martini, C. Massagrande., and R. Flamini, “Guest Editorial Special Cluster on Functionalized Metasurface-Based Covers and Unconventional Domes for Dynamic Antenna Systems,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 21, 11, pp. 2145–2150 (2022).
- L. Biniashvili and A. Epstein, “Eliminating reflections in waveguide bends using a metagrating-inspired semianalytical methodology,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70, 2, pp. 1221-1235 (2022).
- A. Shaham and A. Epstein, “Wood’s anomaly beyond the Meixner-Schäfke theorem: Analytical and experimental investigation of sinusoidally modulated metasurfaces with normal susceptibilities,” Physical Review B, 104, 24, 245123 (2021).
- V. K. Killamsetty and A. Epstein, “Metagratings for perfect mode conversion in rectangular waveguides: Theory and experiment,” Physical Review Applied, 16, 1, 014038 (2021). [Editors’ Suggestion]
- O. Rabinovich and A. Epstein, “Nonradiative subdiffraction near-field patterns using metagratings,” Applied Physics Letters, 118, 13, 131105 (2021). [Invited Special Issue Paper] [Editor’s Pick]
- O. Rabinovich and A. Epstein, “Dual-polarized all-metallic metagratings for perfect anomalous reflection,” Physical Review Applied, 14, 6, 064028 (2020).
- S. W. Marcus and A. Epstein, “Electrically thick Fabry-Perot omega bianisotropic metasurfaces as virtual antireflective coatings and nonlocal field transformers,” Physical Review B, 102, 7, 075144 (2020).
- O. Rabinovich and A. Epstein, “Arbitrary diffraction engineering with multilayered multielement metagratings,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, 3, pp. 1553-1568 (2020) . [Invited Special Issue Paper]
- A. Iyer, A. Alù, and A. Epstein, “Metamaterials and metasurfaces – Historical context, recent advances, and future directions,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, 3, pp. 1223 – 1231 (2020) . [Special Issue Editorial]
- E. Abdo-Sánchez, A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Reconfigurability mechanisms with scanning rate control for omega-bianisotropic Huygens’ metasurface leaky-wave antennas,” IEEE Access, 7, pp. 168247 – 168260 (2019).
- S. W. Marcus and A. Epstein, “Fabry-Pérot Huygens’ metasurfaces: On homogenization of electrically thick composites,” Physical Review B, 100, 11, 115144 (2019).
- M. Chen, A. Epstein, and G. V Eleftheriades, “Design and experimental verification of a passive Huygens’ metasurface lens for gain enhancement of frequency-scanning slotted-waveguide antennas,”IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, 7, pp. 4678–4692 (2019).
- A. Gero, Y. Stav, I. Wertheim, and A. Epstein, “Two-tier multiple-choice questions as a means of increasing discrimination : case-study of a basic electric circuits course,” Global Journal of Engineering Education, 21, 2, pp. 139–144 (2019).
- O. Rabinovich, I. Kaplon, J. Reis, and A. Epstein, “Experimental demonstration and in-depth investigation of analytically designed anomalous reflection metagratings”, Physical Review B, 99, 11, 125101 (2019).
- E. Abdo-Sánchez, M. Chen, A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “A leaky-wave antenna with controlled radiation using a bianisotropic Huygens’ metasurface,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, 1, pp. 108-120 (2019).
- O. Rabinovich and A. Epstein, “Analytical design of printed circuit board (PCB) metagratings for perfect anomalous reflection,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, 8, pp. 4086 – 4095 (2018).
- M. Chen, E. Abdo-Sánchez, A. Epstein, and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Theory, design, and experimental verification of a reflectionless bianisotropic Huygens’ metasurface for wide-angle refraction”, Physical Review B, 97, 12, 125433 (2018).
- S. W. Marcus and A. Epstein, “Negative index effects from a homogeneous positive index prism,” EPJ Applied Metamaterials, 4, 9 (2017).
- A. Epstein and O. Rabinovich, “Unveiling the properties of metagratings via a detailed analytical model for synthesis and analysis,” Physical Review Applied, 8, 5, 054037 (2017). [Editors’ Suggestion]
- A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Arbitrary antenna arrays without feed networks based on cavity-excited omega-bianisotropic metasurfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65, 4, pp. 1749-1756 (2017).
- A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Synthesis of passive lossless metasurfaces using auxiliary fields for reflectionless beam
splitting and perfect reflection,” Physical Review Letters, 117, 25, p. 256103 (2016).
- A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Arbitrary power-conserving field transformations with passive lossless omega-type bianisotropic metasurfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 64, 9, pp. 3880 – 3895 (2016).
- J. P. S. Wong, A. Epstein, and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Reflectionless wide-angle refracting metasurfaces,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 15, pp. 1293 – 1296 (2016).
- A. Epstein, J. P. S. Wong, and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Cavity-excited Huygens’ metasurface antennas for near-unity aperture illumination efficiency from arbitrarily-large apertures,” Nature Communications 7, 10360 (2016).
- A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Huygens’ metasurfaces via the equivalence principle: design and applications,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33, 2, pp. A31-A50 (2016). [Invited Review]
* 10 top downloaded papers in JOSA B, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 2016.
* 15 top cited papers in JOSA B, 2015-2016.
- A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Floquet-Bloch analysis of refracting Huygens metasurfaces,” Physical Review B 90, 235127 (2014).
- A. Epstein and G. V. Eleftheriades, “Passive lossless Huygens metasurfaces for conversion of arbitrary source field to directive radiation,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62, 11, pp. 5680-5695 (2014).
- A. Epstein, N. Tessler, and P. D. Einziger, “On the relevance of two-dimensional models for radiation of statistical sources in stratified media,” Radio Science 49, 11, pp. 1008–1021 (2014).
- A. Epstein, M. Roberts, N. Tessler, and P. D. Einziger, “Analytical estimation of emission zone mean position and width in organic light-emitting diodes from emission pattern image-source interference fringes,” Journal of Applied Physics 115, 22, 223101 (2014).
- Y. Calahorra, D. Mendels, and A. Epstein, “Rigorous analysis of image force barrier lowering in bounded geometries: application to semiconducting nanowires,” Nanotechnology 25, 14, 145203 (2014).
- A. Epstein, N. Tessler, and P. D. Einziger, “Ray-optical theory of broadband partially coherent emission,” Physical Review A 87, 043844 (2013).
- A. Epstein, N. Tessler, and P. D. Einziger, “Curvature effects on optical emission of flexible organic light-emitting diodes,” Optics Express 20, 7, pp.7929-7945 (2012).
- A. Epstein, N. Tessler, and P. D. Einziger, “Analytical extraction of the recombination zone location in organic light-emitting diodes from emission pattern extrema,” Optics Letters 35, 20, pp.3366-3368 (2010).
- A. Epstein, N. Tessler, and P. D. Einziger, “The Impact of Spectral and Spatial Exciton Distributions on Optical Emission From Thin-Film Weak-Microcavity Organic Light-Emitting Diodes,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics , 46, 9, pp.1388-1395, (2010)
- H. Dery, E. Benisty, A. Epstein, R. Alizon, V.Mikhelashvili, G. Eisenstein, R. Schwertberger, D. Golg, J. P. Reithmaier and A. Forchel, “On the nature of quantum dash structures”, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 6103 (2004).