APL Editor’s Pick (29-Mar-2021)

Our invited paper on nonradiative subdiffraction near-field patterns using metagratings by PhD student Oshri Rabinovich and Ariel Epstein was published as part of a Special Topic collection in Applied Physics Letters, and was selected to be highlighted as Editor’s Pick. The paper shows that metagratings can exercise meticulous control not only over propagating fields, but also on evanescent wave scattering. By proper adjustments of our previously derived formalism, we design several metagrating devices that produce prescribed periodic near-field patterns with deep subwavelength features, with negligible loss due to absorption or undesired forward radiation. The diverse patterns, exclusively formed by interference of multiple surface waves, allow, in principle, near-unitary power recycling, which may be highly useful for nonradiative wireless power transfer, subdiffraction imaging, and high-resolution alignment (as demonstrated in the Supplementary Material).